Meet the Choices to Age at Home Team

Julia McCarthy
Julia McCarthy is an independent consultant guiding individuals on their aged-care journey. Drawing on more than 30 years’ business and aged care industry experience, Julia is an expert in understanding the challenges being experienced by older Australians and identifying practical tailored solutions to empower clients achieve their goals. Julia is keenly focused on the needs of Seniors, supporting them to remain living in their own home as they age. Julia’s expertise covers home care, private aged care services residential aged care, retirement living and disability. In her aged care career Julia has been an Executive Manager managing home care organisations. Driven by a relentless desire to ensure older Australians have a voice and independent, tailored information to make their own decisions. Julia has walked in the shoes of families as a daughter of an older Australian with dementia, she has lived it so understands it. Julia has assisted and supported hundreds of individuals and their families toward successful outcomes.

Antony Shields
Antony Shields has more than three decades of experience as a nurse in Queensland, with the past 18 years as a Clinical Nurse Consultant. Initially training at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, he has gone on to work in various community-based and acute nursing roles. During his career, he has specialised in cardiology and community aged care assessment as an ACAT Assessor. With a deep commitment to life-long learning, Antony has undertaken a variety of tertiary studies relating to older people and people experiencing memory loss. He is passionate about older people having appropriate services and supports tailored to their needs.
Marion Fuller
Marion Fuller has worked as a front-line clinician for nearly forty years. Qualifying as a social worker in the UK in 1993, Marion moved to Australia in 2004. She has worked in public and private hospitals as well as the community sector and had her own private practice supporting veterans and other adults to improve their mental health. Since 2008 Marion has worked extensively with older Australians and has considerable knowledge of the My Aged Care system and how it should be navigated. Marion is passionate about working with older people, ensuring they have a voice and are supported to live their best life in whatever way they wish.