Which Government programs provide assistance to the elderly living at home?

Transition Care – short-term assistance to assist you with activities of daily living after leaving hospital.

Short-Term Restorative Care – short-term assistance to help improve your abilities, such as allied health to restore your strength or improve your mobility.

Commonwealth Home Support program – basic entry level short-term or more regular ongoing home care support, a “second set of hands” if you like. Services may include domestic, shopping, transport, respite, meals, home modifications, allied health, nursing. Client pays a co-contribution. It is not income assessed. RAS assessed.

Home Care Packages – coordinated package of care and services if you have more complex needs. 4 Levels of Home Care Packages (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4) with Level 4 supporting high care needs and with the most Government subsidy. Clients may pay a contribution if partly self-funded or fully self-funded as income assessed. ACAT required.

Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)  Veterans Home Care Program (basic home care services such as domestic services) or Community Nursing Program (personal care / nursing services). For DVA Gold Card holders or in some cases other DVA Card holders may be eligible.

Home Care Services – how old do I need to be?

For Government subsidised (funded) services you need to generally be over the age of 65 years or 50 years or older if you identify as Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander.

In some cases, if you have a disability, dementia or other care needs not met through other specialist services or are homeless or at risk of homelessness you may be eligible for Government subsidised support. Contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422.

At any age, you can consider paying privately for care and support services.

Can you really help us?

 Yes.   Our consultants have a depth of professional and practical  experience in the home care space. We have over 70 years’ experience collectively supporting older people and their families with clear information provision and tailored plans to enable them to remain living at home where that is possible and factors to consider for future ageing plans.

How flexible are you around times?

Agility and flexibility are key to our approach. Our clients aren’t just a number or an invoice. We consider them as family.  We walk alongside them, get to know them and provide consultation times at various times across 7 days.

We use virtual communication and conferencing facilities to enable clients to receive information promptly no matter where they are in Australia or in the World.  We aim to provide an efficient service which delivers the best possible outcome in the most expedient manner.

What if I don’t use virtual conferencing such as Zoom or have an email address – can I still use your services?

Yes absolutely!

We can do your consultation for our Tailored Help or Comprehensive Support services over the phone instead. Phone 1300 001 603 during business hours to advise and we will then arrange a phone consultation. If you don’t have an email address, information including the tailored plan can be posted to you. 

How do we know the information shared with you is kept confidential?

Our clients know us as their trusted experienced partner.  We are part of the aged care industry and have built our credibility through demonstrated experience which gives our clients confidence in our discretion and professionalism.

If we share any information, it is done only with your consent and at your direction. Our privacy policy is available on our website.

People with diverse needs – understanding

We are well experienced working with a diverse range of people including those who identify as culturally and linguistically diverse, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, LQBTIQA+ and people with special needs.  We are proud of our demonstrated experience and have a deep understanding of the unique aspects of providing information and advice tailored to the needs of our clients.

What are your business hours?

We conduct consultations 7 days a week at a variety of times that can be seen in the calendar when you book a time that works for you.

Our 1300 001 603 is answered Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (AEST).